Thursday, January 31, 2019

Do not do it ...

I am an equal partner in this project, and I am principal blog editor. If you write to Jerome or Bruce hoping they will 'control' what I say, what my opinions are or the trend of my research, you will not like the result.

I am a 41 year old woman, not a child. I'm better educated that many of you with a number of certifications, two bachelors and two masters degrees and a PhD. I'm not a child for you to control and I hate tattle tales.

If you do not like something I've written, that's okay. Attempting to control my writing by appealing to Bruce will disgust us both. And Jerome, while he writes valuable blog posts, has no voice in our books content. What exactly did you think he could do?

If you see yourself in this comment, don't post comments here. I will delete them. Do not email me. Your email is in my permanently blocked folder. Do not contact me through another. Anyone foolish enough to stand in your place will also not like the result.

There is no way for me to stop your visits to this blog, but I can end your participation and will do so.

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