Friday, January 25, 2019

So ...

I've significantly enlarged and changed my introductory essay. Last time I posted it no-one left a blog comment. Comments are important; they help us see how others react to our work. This helps us improve it.

The last post generated some off blog comments. They ranged from something like 'how interesting' to a four page critique that questioned some statements. I liked the critique best. Though I do not agree with the criticisms it helped me see what issues arose, and gave me a clearer path forward.

Yet, from those who read this blog and who should know as much or more concerning the issues I raised, there were no comments.

Do I post the current version? Or must I assume there will be no comments? So posting it isn't worth the time it takes?

There is absolutely no interest in seeing the revised version. Accordingly, I will not post it.


Andrew said...

I didn't see this until today (Sunday, January 27th.)

I am very interested to see your revised version.

Andrew Grzadzielewski

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...


A recent email from someone who 'knows stuff' has dent me back to reworking bits and pieces. But I'll email you the preface in a day or so.

Stéphane said...

I would be very honoured to be added to the list of your readers, thank you. Stéphane

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