Thursday, January 24, 2019

Sometimes ...

Sometimes things just drop into our lap. These haven't arrived yet, but will soon. I paid more than my budget allows but I rarely see these as originals ...


jerome said...

Nice. If you get any copies for 1871 please see if you can find the story of George Clowes being expelled from the Methodists and joining the Advent Christian Church in that year. He was later Age to Come/One Faith and had his obituary in Zion's Watch Tower.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Dates are: 1867 - 11/20; 1869 - 3/24, 5/19; 1871 - 1/18, 7/5; 1872 - 10/2; 1874 - 7/8, 7/28.

jerome said...

Hope there might be some news on Stetson, Wendell, Clowes, Owen, Barbour, maybe even a Russell or two...

latecomer said...

"George Clowes being expelled from the Methodists" - sounds like a similar journey to the earlier one of George Storrs - except that slavery was no longer an issue. To your knowledge, Jerome, was Conditional Immortality the sole issue this time?

jerome said...

The Advent Christian Story by Clarence Kearney (1968) says that Clowes was expelled from the Fourth Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh over the issue of “life in Christ” – which is conditional immortality rather than an inherent immortal soul. I can’t put my hand on it at the moment but there is a reference somewhere that says the case was covered in the World’s Crisis c.1871. If that could be found it would answer the question with more detail. Clowes then turns up in Storrs’ Bible Examiner. You can find out more about him by using his name in the search function on this blog.

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