Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Blog Update

Rachael has temporarily withdrawn from this blog and our project. Recent, unhappy events connected to this blog and issues concerning her health are the drivers behind this decision.


latecomer said...

How sad, unfair, and tragic, that unwarranted interference from outsiders have resulted in her withdrawal. I am sure I join many others in wishing her rest and recovery - and as always, on her OWN terms. Professor de Vienne, I wish you the best!

ZionsHerald said...

It is sad to see her go. I have enjoyed her posts (as well as the many others) who post on this blog. I am constantly amazed at the information presented here (and in the books) as well as the detailed research and time that has gone into this project. Thank you all for your efforts and we look forward to her return in the future as well as continued research.

Semer said...

Rachael, this is just an internet blog. A lot of people on the internet are irritating, but you are above them, do not take them to heart.

Chris G. said...

Very sorry to hear this. I truly hope she’s feeling better soon.

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