Wednesday, February 13, 2019


The Watch Tower for 1883 said: "At Philadelphia, Pa., at the residence of Bro. R. H. McMunn,
corner Third and W. Norris streets."

We need a good biography for McMunn.

From Bernard:

Dear Bruce!
This is Robert H. McMunn, born 1830 in Ireland. He died in October 12, 1889 in Philadelphia.
His profession was grocer. His grave is/was in LaFayette Cemetery.
He lived in N.W.Cor. 3 Morris Road (sic Norris!!)
(Maybe his wife was Lillie and they had a son named George H. mcMunn, born 1863)
Thats all
Greetings from Austria


jerome said...

Tried Ancestry and subscription but only found an R H McMunn in Pittsburgh in 1883. There are three McMunns in 1883 Philadelphia directories, but with different initials and wrong addresses. Will keep looking, but not hopeful. Although ZWT quite clear memorial held at his Philadelphia home in 1883, he is not mentioned again in ZWT. Also tried search of Restitution paper for era, no joy there either. Hope someone else can be more successful.

jerome said...

My congratulations to Bernhard. George H McMunn (1863-1929) was a retired grocer when he died in Germantown, Philadelphia. His death certificate lists his parents as Robert H McMunn and Lillie H Hogg, both originally from Ireland.

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