Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Another Maria letter that needs transcription ...


latecomer said...

I'm sorry that the only word I can't find a reasonable transcription for may be the most crucial one.


Mr. [B. N.?] Johnson
[Ap E2 Century?]

My Dear Sir:

Your note of today is just rec'd.

Pray accept my grateful acknowledgements for the same.


It will give me much pleasure to call on Monday at 3 o'clock P.M. with [???? of regard?]

Very truly yr,

Maria Jourdan Washington
Park Ave. Hotel
June 18th / 87

B. W. Schulz said...

"Sentiments of regard" Thanks for your hlep

B. W. Schulz said...

The note is to Robert Underwood Johnson.

latecomer said...

Robert Underwood Johnson, eh? I was way off with B.N. Johnson!

But I think you have every word on this particular note transcribed now!

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