Saturday, March 23, 2019

Help transcribing another bit of Maria's letter?

Click on the image to see entire.


roberto said...

I am trying just now

latecomer said...

Here is my effort:

Now I take up the broken thread & shall bravely & with the help of God try once more to re-write this [Penelope?] xxx & so all things come to him who waits, shall hope that like the heroic [Goddess?] of old, that I too shall be rewarded by waiting - hoping & praying. Now - my dear Sister, you really must pardon this long & personal letter - For nothing was farther from my intention than the writing of such a letter when i began. It has slipped unconsciously from my pen. Read it - take it for what it is. xxxxx - throw it in the fire - forget it! As soon as I read Will's daily letter this AM, in [wh?] he told me Bro. Joe had written xxxx you had never received a reply to your letter,

Early in the excerpt, there seems to me to be some sort of allusion to the Odyssey, with Penelope rewarded for her waiting - although she wasn't actually a goddess in the story.

Of course, I could have totally misread such; I hope Roberto's efforts will shed additional light on this passage.

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