Thursday, March 28, 2019

Maria 'worser and worser'

Her handwriting seems to have gotten worse the longer she wrote. Can we interpret this one?

Click on the image to see entire.


latecomer said...

very common boy, just like that red haired, freckled face boy of the [??], & that tousled headed [??] of the [??]. [next three words crossed out] From that memorable event, the career of the [??] darling is onward & upward, provided there's anything in him - & if there isn't, all the Gods couldn't avail him one iota. As you have heard, perhaps, Will too long desired a Consul-ship to some point in France. Before going south he filed an application for such a position - But when home, he found his father so violently opposed to having

B. W. Schulz said...

It's 'curled darling' I think. From the practice of letting a young boy's hair grow and curling it with a curling iron.

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