Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Rules and stuff ...

Please remember that people of various religions visit this blog and occasionally post here. This is not a religion blog; it is a history blog. Unlike social media, my expectation is that you will treat other posters with respect and that you will keep on topic.

Please do not send me tracts in an attempt to convert me to your faith. They never present anything new. Many of them are poorly written. I discuss religion in other settings. I generally do not engage with religious discussions here or through email. I am, however, pleased with your concern for my salvation.

I do not take phone calls. The phone number you can find on the internet goes to voice mail only. I do not even hear it ring. It’s a catch-all for spam calls.

I cannot undertake a research project other than my own, though I am open to questions that I can briefly answer. There are excellent resources on the Internet. I use them. You should too.

Some of you address me formally as Dr. Schulz or Professor Schulz. I’m much happier with “Bruce,” though as along as you do not call me unkind names you may do as you wish. I’m old, and by now titles are meaningless. They never meant anything to me anyway. The most satisfying moments as an educator weren’t teaching adults, but teaching children. I remember a very small girl climbing on my lap, patting my face and saying, “Mr. Schulz, I wish you could be my teacher forever.” That matters. The rest does not.

I appreciate my readers’ patience. Original research is challenging and time consuming. Chapters move off to the next volume where they are more appropriate; new information adds to my outline. The chapter about Maria Washington is an example. Fifty pages of Bible House sermon notes from 1892-93 will produce at least another short chapter even though they date from slightly after my nominal break-off point.

I especially appreciate recent donations to my research fund. They have put into my hands original material that no one within the last century has seen.

There are things I would love to know. I continue to probe at Watch Tower finances in Russell era. I lack names of earliest adherents. Not that I don’t have some, but there were many more, hidden from history. I wish we could uncover their experience.

Never presume I know what you know. If you know something, tell me. Perhaps I am familiar with the matter. But maybe I am not.

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