Thursday, May 16, 2019

This blog ...

According to google stats interest in this blog has precipitously declined. I do not know whether to believe this or not. Comments?


Andrew said...

I will speak only for myself.

I read the blog and comment on the blog with approximately the same frequency that I have over the past 2 years.

Andrew Grzadzielewski

ZionsHerald said...

I've been visiting more often than recently as well. The material here is a great resource.

jerome said...

I am not sure how the stats work - Rachael put me onto Stat Counter ages ago, and checking there have been an average of over 29 NEW visitors per day for the last week, in addition to all the returning visitors. Not all new visitors will stick, but that surely is a healthy sign. This is in addition to the large pool of visitors who don't check every day. And every so often there is a spike in viewing. I think all blog readers who appreciate the material here should tell their contacts. It is what I do, especially when something appears that I know they will be interested in.

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