Saturday, June 29, 2019

Charles Seagrin

The following is from a footnote in Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe, volume 2. The essay is by Bertil Presson. None of this is referenced to original sources; can we do better.

[1] I need to verify Presson's claims. From what source do we get his Swedish name and immigration date?

[2] I cannot find in Seagrin's June 1883 letter or in Russell's introductory comments an offer to translate Watch Tower material into Swedish. Can we find a source for this. [Frankly, I think Presson misread the June 1883 Watch Tower, but I could be wrong. Anyone?]

[3] Can we locate any of the Seagrin booklets? Presson cites one title, says there were more.

Large elements of both volumes of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe show typical European laxness when dealing with sources. But I cannot accept and use material until I know its ultimate source. Can you help?

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