Saturday, June 1, 2019

van Amburgh

We know that W. E. van Amburgh's parents and his wife were Russell-era adherents. Was his brother, George C. van Amburgh also a believer?

I have almost no information on George. He died sometime after 1930. That year he was a patient in a sanatorium in Washington State. About a decade earlier is was living in Gray's Harbor, Washington, the owner-manager of a Waffle House. I know something about his childhood and young adult education. But I do not know if he was an adherent. Do you?

Also, I need copies of letters and documents related to the family, preferably not the few widely circulated. I have seen those. I contacted a living relative, but have received no reply. Anyone?

Do we know what the S. in Daniel van Amburgh's middle name represents?


jerome said...

According to Ancestry, George Curtis Van Amburgh (son of Dan and Fannie and brother of W E Van Amburgh) died 1 June 1930, aged 63, at Seattle, King, Washington.

jerome said...

According to the New Era Enterprise newspaper, George had a serious motor vehicle accident at the end of 1924 that left him partly paralysed. He had been looking after his elderly parents, both of whom died not long after. The fact that the Enterprise mentioned him so freely, and there are descendants through his line who are Bible Students today strongly suggests that he was an adherent like his more well-known brother William. William remained in association with the IBSA, I do not know about George.

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