Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Now important

We've asked before for anti-Russell booklets published in his lifetime. We have some, we need more. There are many in the UK but we have no access. We have two published in Germany. If there are more we do not know the titles. Most German anti-Watchtower booklets are from the 1920s, and while I would love to have scans, they are not immediately important.

Eventually, assuming I live that long, I'll write a chapter about clergy opposition. It will appear in On the Cusp of Fame, which exists only as a brief outline. But one can hope and plan.

If you have anything like this, please contact me giving the title and author.

There is a 'sameness about these, and they're almost always ineffectual, but they are part of the story.

A special pioneer, once part of the writing staff, who read bunches of this material was bored silly by it. I tend to agree with that assessment. But I do need to see it to give this planned chapter enough detail to be worth reading. Anyone?


Gary said...

I have no anti-Russell booklets published in his lifetime. But I have come across a few Philip Sidersky anti-Russell screeds published, if I recall right, in the early Rutherford years. Are these of any use? You likely already have them. (These could be useful if one suffers from insomnia.)

B. W. Schulz said...

Gary, I do not have those. Can you scan them for me?

Gary said...

Apologies for the delay, but you should have these now.

Poor_German_Collector said...

Hello Bruce,
I have a small collection of German opponent booklets but no scanner. Ordered a scanner yesterday.
Could you please give me the titles of the booklets you already have?

B. W. Schulz said...

Thank you Gary, Received the pages. very useful.

GermanG, Give me a few days to make the list. I think I only have two German booklets, but I will have to look. The weekend is especially busy for me. So I won't be able to do that until the coming week.

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