Thursday, October 31, 2019

A. D. Jones' Good Deeds

In 1884 Jones, newly wealthy, founded a charity called Day Star Universal Relief Fund.

I have insufficient documentation. If you can find more, send it on, please.


jerome said...

I found a reference with an interview with ADJ about this charity in the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette for 22 August 1884 page 2. I have sent this to you back-channel, although you may well have it already.

Personally, having written around a dozen articles on ADJ, I wouldn't trust him further than I could throw him.

Gary said...

Many thanks to Bruce and Jerome for their intriguing articles on ADJ. I fully understand Jerome's conclusion. But isn't this the beauty of hindsight, that it allows us to see clearly the character of certain individuals who at the start of their careers must have seemed so well meaning, convincing and reputable?

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