Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Another comment from an Advance Reader

I didn't ask his permission before posting this, so for now I'm leaving his name off this post. But herewith are his comments:

By reflecting about the very dense contents of the Introductory Essays, and in particular after my search for its references, I would like to insist that I am not only pleased but also deeply impressed by the wealth of books and articles that you patiently gathered, and whose references you provide so liberally, to prove, support and illustrate several important facts ignored so far or deliberately distorted, such as:
- the fundamental doctrinal differences of Russell versus the Adventists, and his constant, although always courteous, distancing from them ; 
- the long history of the multi-faceted and particularly widespread tradition of the premillenarianism in the English-speaking world, and the skills of many of its supporters ;
- the non-exclusivity, or should I say the banality, of Russell’s doctrines, his originality residing in his eclecticism (characteristic of the Christian who proves all things and hold fast that which is good), and his determination to give to his message the widest possible dissemination, devoting to it all of his talents, his time, his energies, his belongings.

How encouraging and reassuring it is to discover supporting evidence that some most disparaged and apparently awkward aspects of one’s faith, don’t drop out of the sky, but had already many adherents from all sorts of horizons and of countless times.

May I permit myself to wish you the best for your further invaluable works, and please accept, Dear Bruce, the expression of my deep gratitude, with my best greetings.

1 comment:

German Girl said...

Everything I read here leaves me full of deep respect for the incredible amount of work that has been done by the authors. Thank you very much. I´ve learned so many things I never even thought about ... Your writing style is most impressive. Can´t wait for the next volume about the Rutherford era!
German Girl

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