Thursday, October 17, 2019

Another ...

I cannot read all of this. Can you?


Stéphane said...

Let's have a try :

We [small caps] have [small caps] received No. 1 Vol. 1 of a
paper published in New York called
Zion’s [italics] Day [italics] Star [italics], edited by A.D. Jones.
It is a monthly of eight pages contain-
ing no advertisements and devoted ex-
clusively to the discussion of religious
topics; does not claim to be the organ of
any denomination, and sets the Bible
up as its standard. We quote the fol-
lowing from its introductory remark:

[Both following paragraphs in smaller type :]
“Many no doubt will inquire who are
these persons advancing these views;
and, because we are not among the
noted and well known, may feel dis-
posed to carelessly cast aside this sheet,
scarcely reading what is therein con-
tained. But ere you do so we ask your
attention for a short time. First, it is
not for you to ask who we are, nor
should you de[cid??]e either for or against
the paper on account of those who are
connected with it; for in and of our-
selves we are nothing; but a fair ques-
tion, for each reader to ask is, Are the
views as here set forth true [italics]? Are they
supported by God’s word? If, on ex-
amination, you find them so, then
they [italics], not us, demand [italics] your attention.
* * * * * * *
The truth of the Scriptures is the
only rule of [f]aith by which we will be
examined. It is our [italics] aim [italics] to teach the
truth as free from the [??m??] of the times;
to teach it in its purity. We are not in
[tute??]lage to any creed [italics], party [italics] or sect [italics],
but we claim to be the Lord’s free [italics] men [italics].
We recognize one Head and Master —
Jesus Christ; and all true followers of
Him as brethren, Therefore, we wish
our teachings compared with “the law
and the testimony,” and if any view
presented is not in accordance with the
above “there is no light in them,” and
we shall consider you a friend. Acts
17 11. It will be our aim to make
plain some of the “dark sayings and
parables” of the word, and we doubt
not that the hearts of many will be
made to rejoice as they come to see the
beauty and harmony [italics] of our Father’s

The subscription price is nominal
being only 50 cents per year. What-
ever they claim as a creed many of the
articles in the first issus are interesting
and contain much truth.


B. W. Schulz said...

Thanks Stéphane. Very helpful. And thanks for the scans of von Zech's magazine.

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