Friday, November 29, 2019

Photodrama films


Those who love the Photodrama of Creation will recognize these frames from the end of the sequence on the flood, with the tinted sequence of the ark that ends with the rainbow appearing.

After the footage was meticulously copied frame by frame, the key nitrate stock in private hands was donated to the George Eastman museum as they have the professional facilities for its preservation.

Also the following document has come to light from the time which details the order and contents of all the slides and moving pictures from the production.

Interestingly it is dated November 17, 1914, and stresses that this revised schedule should be followed “implicitly.” Although the Photodrama started life as a three parter for a very short time, it had been shown in four parts for most of 1914. The extra part was not so much adding extra material as making each performance of a more manageable length for audiences of the day. But one wonders what changes were deemed necessary by November of that year.

1 comment:

ZionsHerald said...

Thank you again Jerome for your interesting contributions.

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