Tuesday, December 10, 2019


I've put out a call for things like this before with little success, but I'm repeating it anyway. I need opposition material, magazine articles, booklets, etc. published in the Russell era or just after. I located two on my own and purchased them as originals, but I'm just as happy with scans. There are a number of these in British libraries. I have no access. If you live in the UK, you could be of great help tracking them down.

I have an eye surgery coming up. Second in a series, and I hope the last. But I continue to work on vol 2. Those who are proof reading should be aware of the March target date.

Be aware that my wife's health is deteriorating. So If I am out of contact, that is why.

I am building a university's collection of Bible Student and Witness publications. If you live in the USA and wish to donate something, leave a comment below.

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