Monday, January 13, 2020

Need an exact date

Printed, I think, in the years shortly after Russell's death. Can you date this more exactly?

1 comment:

ZionsHerald said...

While I couldn't date this for you, I was able to find a couple of things. There are two names printed on the document. I wonder if it was something that they had done themselves.

I searched for the two names in the database that I have and found the following.

Sr. Cobb is listed in 1919 on the tour of Egypt, Britain, and Israel. She is also listed in the document "A PETITION TO BRO. RUTHERFORD AND THE FOUR DEPOSED DIRECTORS OF THE W. T. B. & T. SOCIETY" in 1917.

I am unable to make out the second name.

A. B. Havens? Ervens? Something else? I was unable to find any information with this name.


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