Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Finished Mystery

The March 1, 1918, Watch Tower was a special printing of The Finished Mystery, with a number of illustrations that remind one of the later Golden Age magazine. In the pictures that follow, note the special message printed (over-printed?) on the front cover of the magazine, to get the contents into the hands of those at the front.


latecomer said...

I actually have one of those, which I picked up in a downstairs book vault in Stratford, Ontario, many years ago. Isn't this the same as the "ZG" issue pictured on page 90 of the 1959 book "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose"?

B. W. Schulz said...

Yes, that's the ZG issue. My copy does not have that notation. I wonder if it was regional, local, a personal initiative.

latecomer said...
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latecomer said...

Looking into Albert Burleson's tenure as postmaster general, I'm surprised he would have allowed such a sticker to be affixed to the issue - during the war, or afterwards.

My copy, if originally circulated in Canada, would have been unlikely to have the label anyway. If I can locate it later today, I will examine it further.

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