Thursday, March 26, 2020

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1 comment:

Gary said...

Excellent! It disappoints me Bruce when you suggest that little interest exists in your research. These results suggest otherwise.

I received my copy of SI2 earlier this week and have so far read and digested only the two introductory articles. Although I do not agree with everything Rachael had to say (and shared my reservations with her at the time) I consider the two introductory articles superb and worth the modest cost of the book alone. Well done. Anything I glean from the rest of the book is a bonus and it looks as if those fortunate enough to have purchased a copy will get plenty of time to read it given the present pandemic.

I like books that challenge the way I think. I had assumed an Adventist root fed the emerging Bible Student/JW plant. I wasn't quite so sure after reading SI1. After SI2's introductory essays I'm largely convinced this wasn't the case. I'm looking forward to seeing how the academic community with interest in Witness history and practise respond. Will they be prepared to address the issue of Adventism or Age to Come origin of the early Bible Students? There are a number of brilliant academics interested and I believe the better scholars will. Those who chose to retain the 'Adventist origin claim' now face an almighty challenge to retain credibility given the scope of Bruce and Rachael's study.

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