Monday, March 23, 2020

Some tech issues

A friend to this blog has updated the blog codes. That means that cut and past function has gone away. Blog editors have that function but they must use the post edit function to do it.

If there is something on this blog you wish to use for your own research, instead of struggling to copy it, email me. We like other researchers here, usually. But we expect you to observe the research and publication standards everyone should follow. That means you credit your source either in text or through a footnote. It means that you do not turn what one of us wrote into nonsense in another context. Trying to make something we write support an idea or claim opposite of our conclusions is dishonest. Do not do it.

Other behind the scenes changes may occur. They should not affect your ability to read this blog, at least in most countries. The few countries that changes might affect represent a collective of trolls, spammers, and pornographers who are not welcome here. It is necessary that in time we sacrifice some readers because of the persistent misbehavior of most of their fellow citizens.

There is a work-around for this. If I know you to be a regular reader and to not be on my "idiot" list, contact me, and I'll give you the details. But all of this is future and not an immediate worry.

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