Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Talentless Polish Troll

The [insert unkind word of your choice here] Polish troll has identified "Jerome" with someone I do not know, never heard of and wouldn't allow on this blog. He's looking in the wrong country. Our Jerome lives across the sea from me. Not only that but across the North American Continent and then the Atlantic Ocean. "Jerome" isn't his true name. Rachael de Vienne stuck that on him for the sake of his privacy, deriving it from  Εὐσέβιος Σωφρόνιος Ἱερώνυμος whom you would know as St. Jerome, because in some way known only to my dearly missed niece, he reminded her of the 'saint.' Sometimes the workings of her mind were a mystery.

The incompetent, Polish troll should improve his troll talent. Or give it up.

While I'm at this, let's note that using a different ISP does not change your point of origin, and statcounter will tell me your exact location. So, dear brother from upstate NY, you're not accomplishing anything. But if you must you must. 


jerome said...

There's actually more to the story about the name Jerome, but it is really inconsequential in the scheme of things. I am flattered that Rachael thought of St Jerome at one point. I am curious about the Polish troll, and am prepared to give away that I live in the UK. But I wish that some readers had better things to do. I can also quite understand Bruce's bemusement.

Older other sheep said...

I was tickled to learn that the moniker 'Jerome' was coined because of the writer's connection with 'St Jerome'. The latter was renowned as being 'ascetical and monastic'. As someone who shared a flat with this guy, I would hand-on-heart assert that this is the exact opposite of this poster's proclivities.
I suggest that the choice of the name 'Jerome' has more to do with a little backwater in the English Black Country which rejoices in the name Walsall.

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