Monday, April 13, 2020

Catching up ... and

I've caught up with about half of my emails, starting with the oldest unread. I'm still on meds that make me woozy and sleepy. I walk somewhat better. Remain patient.

I'm trying to arrange a photocopy from the Wisconsin Historical Society. I may need a volunteer to make it, when everything calms down and the virus is a reduced threat. All three universities with a presence here are closed. All the schools are closed. The post office main counter is closed. But the pollution had dropped out of the air, except for occasional blowing dust from plowed fields.

I'm housebound anyway. And now I learn I was exposed to someone with symptoms ... Such an interesting time in which to live. If those John the Revelator describe as ruining the earth go away, it should heal fairly rapidly. I think the lock downs show this. I'm surprised how clear one of our rivers has become. It's usually very muddy, full of runoff from farmers' fields. So very interesting.

Anyway, I'll report the volunteer request later, when and if it become necessary and it's safe to visit the library.


latecomer said...

I'm surprised your post office counter is closed! Ours is open, with heavy plastic strips hanging between the clerks and the customers. One would think each office could do something similar.

At least one grocery here has plexiglass barriers at each register; our post office is considering something similar for their counters as a more long-term measure.

Wishing you a steady recovery. Stay safe ... and SANE!

Andrew said...

I live in Wisconsin. I will travel to get the photocopy for you if you wish.


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