Thursday, July 23, 2020

Unanswered email and other nonsense

I owe Bernard and others at least a thank you for their help. I'll get to my emails eventually. However, now I'm on some very potent medication that keeps me in my chair, unable to read for more than five or ten minutes. I sleep through the day, and my activity is very limited.

I'll be off to a specialized clinic soon for tests. This may mean an additional trip to Seattle to the University of Washington Hospital. All of this means that I will make very slow progress revising Nelson Barbour: The Millennium's Forgotten Prophet. I probably won't be able to answer emails promptly.

If you think I've ignored your email, send it again. While I'm taking my current meds, I live in a fog. Be patient.

If our blog editors have something to post to keep the blog alive during this period, they should do so. I would like to see a thorough summary of what we know about A. D. Jones. An informative [well researched and footnoted] article on the development of The Photo Drama of Creation would be good. An article about colporteurs in the 1890s would be welcome. Name names, note their experiences.

1 comment:

Poor_German_Collector said...

Meanwhile it is also thrilling to read older posts of previous years.
All the best to you, Bruce!

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