Saturday, September 12, 2020

I'm still sick

I'm still really ill and making frequent [daily some weeks] trips to doctors. As a result, I cannot keep this blog interesting or current.

I am open to blog submissions. Show us your research. Any relevant topic from the years 1850-1925. Your choice. Articles must be footnoted to original sources. If your article is footnoted to secondary sources, you will make me frown. I won't reject it out of hand, but I'll think twice before using it. Blogger limits post length, but I am open to anything short of a novella.

Word or WordPerfect is okay. Rtf is not. Twelve point font; Times New Roman is preferred. Paragraphs should be indented five spaces; use the tab key on your keyboard. Alternately, but less desirable from a formatting viewpoint, you may use single space with a space between paragraphs. If your work gives me formatting headaches, I may send it back to you to reformat. The decision on what to accept is totally mine.

Blog editors may post what they wish as long as it's relevant to this blog. All others submit via email to bwschulz2 at yahoo dot com.

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