Friday, December 18, 2020

Bad manners


            I should not have to elaborate on previous posts about our rules. But apparently I do. 

           The copy function is turned off here to prevent a small group of Russian and Polish trolls from stealing copyrighted content. No, I do not hate Russians or the Polish. But I find those who steal intellectual content despicable.

             If you’ve come here to read, reread and copy Jerome’s Miracle Wheat article, just ask. Knowing who you are, either he or I will send the entire text to you via email. All you must do is ask.

             Frankly, you’re annoying. Your behavior is poor. Secretiveness is unbecoming a fellow Christian. You seriously need to grow up.

             Still, both Jerome and I contribute to essential projects related to you, and we will provide you with the text of any article published on this blog. Just ask: bruce . schulz @ aol. com


jerome said...

I don't know the back story to Bruce's post, but can I add - if folk want to copy any of my articles please ask. They were written to be read. All I ask is that if the information is published anywhere else, that a credit is given to this blog as the source. And that the material is not changed. I am happy to take full responsibility for anything I have written but not for anyone else's changes. And if you see anything that is incorrect. please say. But do remember, we only deal with history, and rather ancient history, here.

Chris G. said...

Thank you to Bruce for keeping a close eye on those who visit, post or otherwise. I’m sure it’s not easy keeping track of a blog and moderating it to the degree he does.

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