Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I remember this one, though with slightly altered words. ...


 This song has a surprising history. Anyone care to pursue it?


jerome said...

The words were supposed to come from a poem by Henry Kirke White - "Oft in danger, oft in woe." We were still belting this out in the early 1960s with the green covered songbook (released in 1950) as Song 54 "Forward Theocratic Warriors."

B. W. Schulz said...

In its 1962, revised green song book, permutation, it was one of my favorite tunes. My pioneer partner and I would belt it out while working our extensive rural territory. That and any number of tunes too, including Follow the Greater Jephthah.

I left my song book home one Sunday, and I found myself singing the old words ...

"Have you a song to sing to Jehovah God; have you a song of his reign and glory ..."

B. W. Schulz said...

Last version of Follow the Greater Jephthah, now titled "Follow the Warrior King":

Forward go! (Yes, go!)
Fearlessly go! (Fearlessly go!)
As an army, let us go
To combat the wicked foe;
Follow the Warrior King, who can never fail.
Following him, we shall prevail!

Original as I remember it:

Forward go! (Yes, go!)
Fearlessly go! (Fearlessly go!)
Follow the Greater Jephthah who cannot fail
Following him, we will prevail!

German Girl said...

Eilt voran! Mutig voran!
Dräng ans Tor zurück den Streit,
zögre nicht, verlier nicht Zeit!
Folg nur dem größren Jephtha, er führt den Krieg -
wenn du ihm folgst, siehst du den Sieg!

Don´t remember the whole thing ...

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