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Monday, April 5, 2021

Update to the Update

 Issues with my health are slowly being resolved. Some time this month I will be in Spokane for a procedure they cannot do here. This is diagnostic. I do not know why my Doctor wants this additional procedure, but insurance covers it, and if it gives him more confidence so much the better.

The surgery is laparoscopic. It takes about 45 minutes if there are no complications. The cancer is localized and has not spread. Recovery time varies, but I should be able to return to my part-time job in a week or so. There is a - what they think is benign tumor on my right kidney. They may remove that at the same time. That's also a laparoscopic procedure. Growing old is not for sissies, someone once said. I agree. 

I'm taking a break from intensive research to focus on doctor visits and pills and easier writing projects. Thanks to everyone who expressed sympathy. 

I have a second surgery over another issue. That's in July. It is same day surgery with a very limited recovery time. 

Submissions to this blog are open. Same standards as always. Anyone have a well researched article about the Russell v. Russell trials? How about the 1912 world missionary tour? Anyone?

1 comment:

theocraticcollector said...

While I don't have any blog submissions at the moment, I wish you all the best with your treatment and recovery.