Monday, May 10, 2021

Research Help

 I'm a bit over medicated, as you can imagine, but still working. Up to some research? I need:

1. Other than Russell other writers pointed to 1914. I need a list with references.

2. Many in the Russell era believed Gentile Times were expiring, though they did not point to 1914 but to some other approaching date. I need names with references.

Can you help?

Update on the health situation. I'm in some pain despite the mediation. A series of tests are upcoming. I must travel for those. One cannot be done here because the Medical Center is too cheap to buy the equipment, and they own the hospital in Spokane that has it. So there is a financial incentive to funnel patients there. After the tests we decide on chemo, surgery (likely), or live with it. I'm old, and I do not see much benefit from a surgery that will leave me as distressed as I am now. We'll see. 


jerome said...

P sent this one along.
I can’t see any connection to the usual suspects, but the author makes the 2520 years run from 624 BC and end in his year of publication, 1896.

B. W. Schulz said...

Thanks to "P" and those who have emailed material. This is really helpful.

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