Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Frank L. Draper

Guest post by Bernhard

He was at the forefront of Bible Students for 25 years and was one of the most prominent and beloved, though he was never an officer of the Watchtower Society, nor wrote articles for the magazine now known as The Watchtower and hereafter referred to by that title. But he was a leading evangelist, colporteur, pilgrim brother, pastor, convention speaker and loyal supporter of Charles T. Russell.

When and where was Frank born?

The US Census for 1910 provides some basic information. Around 1908-1910 and maybe some later Frank was a member of the Brooklyn Bethel family in New York. The census tells us he is 54 years old and was born in Ohio. This leads us back to the years 1856 or 1857.

In the Daily Heavenly Manna book, owned by Rose Leffler, we find the entry that Frank was born on March 2. The Leffler family (parents and eight children) embraced the Truth in 1897, when Frank Draper spoke on “The Second Coming of Christ“ in Tiffin, Ohio.

With this information we can find Frank Draper in the familysearch system. He was born on March 2, 1856 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. His father was James Draper, born 1831 in England, and his mother Jane Smith who was born 1833 in Ireland. He had four siblings: William H., Annie, Emma J. and Mary Elizabeth.

Around 1879/80 he married 19 year old Elvira, born in Ohio in 1861, and from then on lived in Niles, Trumbull, Ohio. (US Census 1880). His profession at this time is “laborer in R. M.”, his wife is a housekeeper. He lived for a long time in Ohio and that's maybe the reason why he told the 1910 US Census that he was born in Ohio, but actually it was in Pennsylvania. Tragically, his wife died relatively young, possibly from a serious illness and Frank became a widower.

 In July 1890 Frank is mentioned for the first time in The Watchtower (July 1890, p. 5443, reprints). He wrote a letter to Brother Russell:

“Brother Wise (Aaron C.) and myself are pushing the battle. Many are becoming awakened on these questions which are so dear to us. There is an increasing demand for reading matter, especially Old Theology Tract No. 1. Last evening we held a street service. People crowded us almost to suffocation for Tracts and Slips, and some wanted DAWN. We expect to open a building  for meetings soon. In the midst of reproach and evil speaking we are "looking unto Jesus."“

This shows that Draper joined the Bible Students before 1890.

When there were accusations against Russell by J. B. Adamson, Otto Von Zech and others in 1894, Draper took a stand for Russell. He wrote in The Watchtower June 11, 1894, p. 7963:

“Am doing what I am able to support and spread the truth.“

In 1894 he began as part-time pilgrim. In The Watchtower, December 1894, we read:

Brother M. L. McPhail only has been giving all of his time to this work, and he alone has all of his expenses paid out of the Tract Society's fund, the other laborers in this branch of the service, Brothers Antoszewski, Austin, Bell, Blundin, Bohnet, Draper, Merrill, Murphy, Owen, Page, Ransom, Richards, Thorn, Webb, Weber, Weimar, West, Williams, Wise and Witter, being traveling salesmen, colporteurs or business men whose expenses are met by their business or otherwise and who delight to give an evening or a Sunday, as they can arrange it, in serving the Lord's flock--pointing to the green pastures and the still waters and feeding and rejoicing with the "sheep."

He was already giving speeches at least as early as July 1895. [1] At the end of 1896, while in Kentucky, he held 14 meetings in one week, three in private homes and 11 in public places. He reported that in one particular county he had experienced the prejudices of locals against Bible Students, who even used guns, and opposition from a member of the Baptist Church which tried to prevent the holding of meetings, but they did take place anyway. In another place, the Shakers, who usually did not allow preachers of another religion to hold meetings among them, allowed Draper to preach in their school; he was able to hold three meetings there with an average attendance of 75 or 80. [2] In August 1899, Russell had planned to send Draper to Kansas by October 1 of that year, [3] and he was supposed to deliver speeches at the St. Louis convention assembly on October 6. [4] In November 1899 he visited Indiana Territory. [5] By early 1900 he was in Texas and Edward Brenneisen praised him, considering him a capable orator. [6] At the 1903 Memorial, he was in Chetopa, Kansas, [7] and was one of the speakers at the convention in Denver, Colorado, July 10-12 of the same year. [8] He visited Texas in early 1904, [9] and was a speaker at the Los Angeles conventions [10] in St. Louis in October of the same year, [11] in Asbury Park in July 1906, [12] from Indianapolis in 1907, [13] in July he was on his way to Kokoma, [14] from Norfolk on October 3 of the same year, [15] from Put-in-Bay on September 3, 1908, [16] and Denver, Colorado, in July 1909. [17] In 1911 Russell sent him to his parents homeland, the United Kingdom and Ireland. [18]

Samuel Kuesthardt give us the report that Frank Draper was also a baptizer, for example he baptized two in Toledo, Ohio (The Watchtower, August 15, 1898).

In 1908, he was among those who reacted favorably to Russell's vow, made by adherents concerning the attitude to be adopted towards the opposite sex. [19] Likewise, during the New Covenant schism, he positioned himself vigorously in favor of Russell: indeed, he praised the latter for his articles published in October and November of 1909.

In 1913, he congratulated Russell for not having insisted too much, in the last two or three years, on a date concerning the end of Gentile times. [20] He highly praised the Photo-Drama of Creation, which he described as "the most successful project the Society has ever launched". [21]

What was Draper's personality?

Morgan T. Lewis, a staff member at the Bible House, described him  (The Watchtower, February 15, 1898):

His talks and his fine Christian character impressed us very much, and we want to express our gratitude for the helpful occasion. He has a remarkable talent for presenting the truth; so easy do the words flow and so forceful, that they impress the candid hearer. He spoke Saturday evening at Troy and Sunday morning at my home to sixteen of us on the "Narrow Way," and in the evening on the upper features of the chart to about twenty-five, mostly interested ones. The talks did me much good, as I learned how to arrange the talks, and will make use of his plan when I have occasion to speak in public. I want to express myself in regard to the work that Bro. Draper is doing. I think it is one of the best opportunities to help on the cause, and I almost envy the dear Brother the great blessing he must get in going around and meeting and helping the friends. What a joy his must be.

Ernest David Sexton remembered Frank Draper in the 1930 Souvenir Convention Report:

He was a short man; and when I saw him, I did not like to have him notice it, -- notice that I saw it, -- but he had the most prodigious looking feet I ever saw for a small man. One night he called attention to it. (They were bigger than mine.) He was talking about helping one another. He said, You cannot go along because you are strong, and ignore the weak. The Apostle says the uncomely members need the more attention. "You will notice that I have very large feet. That is, I haven't large feet in fact, but I wear very large shoes. My feet are very sore and I have to wrap them up with bandages. When I go to bed at night, I always get a switch and switch my feet because they are so uncomely. No, I don't. I give them more attention, more than any other part of my body. I salve them, and pat them, and give them all sorts of attention because they are uncomely.

Draper even allowed himself to advise Russell on certain matters. In 1905 he criticized the translation "running towards the goal" in Philippians 3:14, a translation which had been suggested to Russell by one of the pilgrims claiming to have received it from a Hellenist scholar. As the translation does not fit the picture of a race, Draper disagreed with Russell and suggested that "the thing be presented to us as someone who knows Greek".

With the end of 1915 he stopped touring as a pilgrim. Why? In the St. Paul Enterprise (January 1916) he wrote that he came to Detroit, Michigan, and stayed there at 148 Lincoln Ave. The reason was his aged mother lived there and he needed to care for her. He became a part of the 250 strong Detroit class. In this class he met a sister named Lois (Louise) Haskins, nee Swain.

In April 22, 1916 he gave a talk at O.E.S. (Order of the Eastern Star) Temple, 43 Alexandrine West, at 3 p.m., Subject: “Do the Scriptures Teach that the Dead Are Asleep?“

One month later he married Lois Swain (daughter of Alexander Swain und Julia Arn) on May 29, 1916. The marriage entry shows that Draper was still an evangelist. Lois (Louise) was born on February 26, 1871).

Lois Swain was previously married to Seth L. Haskins (1866 - February 18, 1909) on January 7, 1888, and they had one daughter Bertha E., born 1894.

On October 31, 1916, Charles T. Russell died and the funeral took place on November 5. Many prominent brothers gave funeral talks. But remarkably Frank Draper was not at the burial. Nowhere is he mentioned; although he was a capable speaker he did not give a funeral talk.

On June 1, 1917, p.175 Frank Draper was mentioned for the last time in The Watchtower:


Although dear Brother Russell will be greatly missed by us all, he is greatly the gainer, having gone beyond the veil to forever with the Lord. You may be assured that whatever influence I can exert in the interest of the SOCIETY and the work it is doing, I will be very glad to exert. My humble prayer is that aIl the dear brethren at the Headquarters and everywhere may work together most harmoniously and successfully. With much Christian love and very best wishes in which Sister Draper joins me, I am. Your brother in the Lord, Frank Draper, Michigan.

On November 10, 1917 he had a talk  at the O.E.S. Temple: Subject: “The Judgement Day. What is it for“

Although he urged others to work harmoniously with the brothers, he was obviously no longer willing to do so himself. We find him mentioned in The Herald of Christ's Kingdom, September 15, 1919:

“Blessed Fellowship at Detroit“

THIS WAS INDEED very manifestly the senti­ment of all of the brethren in attendance at the Convention held in Detroit, Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1, when a most blessed season of fellow­ship was enjoyed. ...

It was noted that there were about twelve of the old Bethel and Bible House family, formerly in close association with Brother Russell, present, and as many as eleven of the old Pilgrims who had been recognized and received appointments under Brother Russell's supervision in the years gone by. These all, of course, had a part in the program and in the ministry at this Convention. Among this number were Brothers Frank Draper, F. A. Hall, P. E. Thomson, F. F. Cook, S. J. Arnold, H. E. Hollister, E. W. V. Kuehn and four of the Editorial staff of this journal.

This shows us that Frank Draper had left the Watch Tower Society and joined or sympathized with the Pastoral Bible Institute, but like at the Watch Tower Society he did not become an officer. From later testimony his active contact with the PBI was short-lived.

Back in 1909 there had been the schism over the new covenant issue, led by Ernest Henninges in Australia. Although Draper supported the Watch Tower position at the time, after CTR’s death certain doubts came to the surface again. After disappearing from view for well over ten years, Draper wrote to Henninges in 1932. He outlined his path since the death of CTR, and what he now believed. It was published in the July 1932 issue of Henninges’ paper. Draper wrote:

Dear Brother in Christ: For a year, or more, I have felt that I would like to write to you. It is about a year ago that I met Brother Benson, who told me about you and the work you, and Sister H., are in. For nearly twenty years prior to meeting Brother Benson I had not heard a word as to your whereabouts. Therefore was real glad to learn about you from Bro. B., to whom I am indebted for your literature—books and N.C.A.—that I have read with great interest and benefit.

Of course you will recall how strenuously I contended with you, by correspondence, after you went to Australia, in support of Brother Russell's views re the Sin Offering and Covenants. Am sure that those views were honestly held by me—largely, I now see, because so much stress was laid on "that servant" idea. But I was not fully satisfied with Bro. Russell's explanations, as shown by the following: I asked myself the question, "Why did the Apostle have so much to say, in his letter to the Hebrews, about the New Covenant if the brethren addressed were not under it?" Then, too, I saw that a verse you have used in your writings must have some special significance with respect to the New Covenant and the brethren therein addressed. I refer to the l5th verse of the 9th chapter of Hebrews.

I was so much interested in this particular verse that I asked Brother Russell about its meaning. He tried to explain it to suit his idea of the time when the New Covenant would become effective. But his explanation did not satisfy me.

Because I did not fully agree with Brother R. In his teaching that everything would collapse in 1914, I was put out of the "Pilgrim" work. About that time it was most openly taught in the "Watch Tower" that the Church shares with Christ in providing the blood of the Ransom. That was altogether too much for me, and I wrote my protest to Bro. R. For ten years, or more, since then, I did not take an active interest in the Truth, though I continued to believe it.

About two years ago my interest was renewed, and I began to study the blessed Word of God more diligently than ever, and to pray more earnestly, also. Soon light began to break clearly upon my mind re the Sin Offering and the Covenants. Then, about a year later, through the kindness of Brother Benson, your literature came into my hands the reading of which has greatly clarified the Bible teachings on these subjects, as well as some other sacred truths.

For about a year I was an elder in a little class here, but my present views re the Sin Offering and the Covenants have practically separated me from the class. Very few of the friends seem to want the truth with respect to these two essential doctrines found in the Bibele. But I am perfectly willing to stand alone, if necessary, in defence of these precious Truths. I love the Lord, and His Holy Word, and His people much more since coining to see clearly regarding the Sin Offering and the Covenants.

Please convey my Christian love to Sister H., and accept same yourself. Your brother in Christ,—F. L. Draper..

There is a little more we can find out about him. The 1920 US Census shows that Frank & Lois & Bertha still lived in Michigan. Stepdaughter Bertha E., was living with them. The census gives Frank‘s occupation now as masseurist in an auto factory. Bertha married a Howard E. Waite on November 23, 1920.

Then on September 15, 1929 Louise died at the age of 58 in Detroit and Frank was again a widower.

The 1930 US Census shows us that Frank is now living in Los Angeles. Maybe he decided to move after his wife died. He now lives there as a lodger.

Frank L. Draper died on October 4, 1937 at the age of 81 and he was buried in the same cemetery as his second wife in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. His death certificate gives his occupation as minister, retired for twenty years.

1. The Watchtower, July 15, 1895, p. 1843

2. The Watchtower, December 1, 1886, p. 2076

3. The Watchtower, August 1, 1899, p. 2515

4. The Watchtower, August 1, 1899, p. 2516

5. The Watchtower, April 15, 1900, p. 2605

6. The Watchtower, February 1, 1900, p. 2576

7. The Watchtower, May 15, 1903, p. 3194

8. The Watchtower, October 1, 1903, p. 3250

9. The Watchtower, April 1904, p. 3349

10. The Watchtower, June 15, 1904, p.3383

11. The Watchtower, October 15, 1904, p. 3444

12. The Watchtower, August 15, 1906, p.3838

13. The Watchtower, July 1907, p. 4026

14. The Watchtower, July 1907, p. 4032

15. The Watchtower, November 1, 1907, p. 4081

16. The Watchtower, September 15, 1908, p.4244

17. The Watchtower, September 1, 1909, p. 4462

19. The Watchtower, June 15, 1908, p. 4192

20. The Watchtower, November 15, 1913, p. 5355

21. The Watchtower, April, 1914, p. 5447



This story of Frank Draper is included in the new book Who's Who – in the Bible Student Movement before 1920. In it we find 4000 names, some biographical notes and short biographies. Also included are almost 1100 portrait photos. It can be found on Amazon.


Unknown said...

Thank you for this!

Frank Draper spoke a few times to the congregation in my area more than 100 years ago. It is nice to be able to learn more about him.

Thanks again!

Andrew Grzadzielewski

Raymond S. said...

Thanks for this.Will get onto this book right away and am sure it will make a great addition to the Bible Student section of my library.
Thanks again
raymond sommerfeldt

B. W. Schulz said...

This is really excellent. It deserves more comment that it has received.

Didn't Draper also write to the New Covenant Believers in Australia? A letter in their magazine? Or is my mind that far gone?

Bernhard said...

Many thanks Bruce for the hint. Now I checked "The New Covenant Advocate" magazines and found a report from Henninges about Draper and a letter from Draper in the July 1, 1932, p.114 edition.

agape said...

A must for ones who like history and the picture in this book are great do not wait buy it

Noah said...

Fascinating history. Thank you for the careful and well documented research. I will absolutely check out the book as well.

jerome said...

Draper's 1932 letter referred to in the comment trail has now been added to the article.

B. W. Schulz said...


John Edward Lueck [mentioned in your book] is either my Grandfather's uncle or a cousin. Family members are devided. Do you have more information?

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