Thursday, July 15, 2021

Conley again


I need what ever information you can supply about Conley's daughter Emma. Anything at all will help.


B. W. Schulz said...

Perhaps I should have been more specific. I did not need nor did I ask for the information about the adult Conleys. And Emma's birth and death dates are easily found. Can you ad details ABOUT Emma? Cause of death? School she attended or was she privately tutored? A photo?

Well, perhaps someone a little less insulting might be able to follow up. You should probably refrain from posting on this blog.

And yes, I know Emma's headstone calls her "our pet."

B. W. Schulz said...

Her headstone gives a death date of December 13, 1881. She did not die in March.

jerome said...

All we seem to have on Emma is from her headstone. I checked Ancestry and and could find no reference to her birth or death. I had a note in my files that she was adopted, but cannot now find any reference to support that. The expression "Our Pet" is at the other end of the grave surround to the headstone, and I noted it and photographed it when visiting Highwood Cemetery in 2014. It is a very human and poignant comment that indicates what a sad loss this was to her parents,

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