Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Faith in God

 This was a periodical published in Pittsburgh about 1888-1900. I've checked worldcat.org and the Library of Congress. It's not listed there. Any issue will help, but the 1888-1897 issues are the most important. Can you find any?

Additional: Bethany Tract Rooms, an adjunct to Bethany Faith Cure Home in Pittsburgh, published a series of tracts in 1889-1890. While published anonymously, the appear to have been written by Conley. I do not know titles. And I'm at a lost as to how to proceed. I've enquired of the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh. Too soon to expect an answer, but I do not expect a fruitful result. 

Bethany Tract Rooms was later called Bethany Bible and Tract Repository.

Do your best!

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