Thursday, July 1, 2021

Spirit of the Word

 The Spirit of the Word was A. P. Adams' magazine. Issues are very, very rare. A reprint of volume one is on ebay. This was done decades ago, and it omits key letters and (I think based on a Watch Tower comment) that it omits a key article. It lacks any mention of Zion's Watch Tower. But some of you may find this useful -

1 comment:

latecomer said...

Let me try this, courtesy of Google Translate:

"I have a question, it was A.J. Bonet ... director of the Watchtower because in some places he stands as director in Rutherford's time ... and in others, not the one.

Who can guide me .... his name is Adam John Bonet (Bohnet)?"

Apparently José checked out the link, and found a mention of an "A.J. Bonet" and is wondering if it could be a reference to John Adam Bohnet, a later director of the WT Society.

Does that seem correct?

Andrew Martin

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