Friday, July 30, 2021


 If you find this blog valuable, please comment below. There are several paths forward, two of which do not include keeping this blog active.

One of the choices I'm considering is moving this blog to WordPress. I need a volunteer who can follow the steps and install the IP blocking software so I can get rid of all visits from Toledo Telephone USA, Poland, Russia and Korea. 

Another option is to make this blog invitation only. Probably not the best choice.

I can recreate the private blog and leave this one up with a notice that new posts appear on it. People can request access, and I can weed out the trouble makers.

I can leave this blog as is and do nothing.

I may move pertinent information about my books to a publisher's web page. That would mean a publisher's blog on which new research would NOT appear, and a web site for Fluttering Wings Press. 

I can switch to an invitation-only forum similar to that of a scholars' group to which I belong, leaving this blog up and open to web searches, but with comments turned off and NO reference to the group forum.


Noah said...

I can only speak for myself, although I suspect my situation isn't unique. I can contribute very little in terms of knowledge of early Watch Tower history, aside from what I have read on this blog, and don't live near any of the archives where source documents can be found. I regret that I can't make any substantial contribution, but reading the blog is a rewarding and enlightening experience. I respect that there is limited value to the blog if it doesn't yield many research results. But I hope that the blog stays up, or at least that you maintain a private one. I know there are trolls and spam you have to deal with now, and I've seen examples of rude commenters and some others who are ideologically driven but uninterested in the history itself. But please know I for one appreciate and respect the work that appears on this blog.

Raymond S. said...

Well said Noah. I am in a similar position as yourself.Not being on the North American mainland makes it difficult researching libraries ect to help contribute to what's being researched and like yourself this site has proven to be very enlightening. Sad to say the trolls and other spam senders would make it difficult for Bruce but I am another that hopes it will stay and I for one certainly respect the work that appears on this blog. I'm about two thirds through the second 'Organizational' Identity book and what a fascinating historical work it is. The documentation is fantastic, especially the notations as to whether an item appears in the 1920Wt reprints or doesn't appear. Having access to the complete Watchtower years is a bonus.
Secondly not having the 'Enterprise' newspapers and no pdfs of them either makes it frustrating and when something comes up that is recorded in those newspapers I personally am thrilled as it adds another piece of the jigsaw in a very large puzzle.
So I hope this site does continue despite sometimes the seeming lack of interest. I'm sure it's not intended but it is difficult to help with research if one isn't living in the city that holds needed articles of interest.

Chris G. said...

Hello Bruce,

Few of us realize the job involved in dealing with the individuals who consistently make it difficult to maintain this site. Whether it’s spam or trolls that are very unwelcome it must be challenging.

Although many of us love the convenience of visiting for the most recent article, if it has become much more difficult to manage on your end, I think all of us who have been reading and benefiting from your research would understand if it needs to change.

I have faith that the more mature visitors would understand any necessary move you would need to make.

C. Gross

B. W. Schulz said...

Raymond, Your comment would make a great Amazon review. Please consider writing a review for Amazon.

Bernhard said...

Dear Bruce! I really appreciate this blog, no matter what form it is in, and I support whenever I can. Of course it is often not possible to contribute something, but for those who are interested in history there is no alternative to this blog.

Raymond S. said...

Dear Bruce, Finally worked out how to do a book review on Amazon. Found where I purchasd it last year and written that review. Can'tbe more honest as I've written there and eagerly awiting the release of the third in this series.Your health ect.permiting. I have recommended to several people I know that is interested in the early days of the start of the I.B.S.A. and how the organizational structure came about and they've been in the dark about it just as much as I was. But must say, mthanks to accidentally finding this blog I am being educated to say the least. My many thanks, along with many others no doubt, for your time, effort and sacrifice even financially no doubt, so that at least some may have some wonderful volumes not only to read but also in their library, as I now have, for future reference.
Sad to say, not all appreciate early Bible Student history and like yourself I also get quite a bit of criticism, especially from those I would least expect it from, and I don't even have a web site or blog. Just a very good library with a few historical items displayed in my den and thanks to yourself [and also the work that Rachel did] a few more truly worthwhile volumes to add to it. Once again, many thanks, and whatever you do descide I'm sure will be for the best but I do hope this blog stays. Thanks again.

B. W. Schulz said...

thanks to everyone for their comments.


Thanks for posting a review. Please email me a link to it.

Gerry Kaspin said...

Great blog and has been for years. Suggest you leave it as it is. Anything else will constitute nothing more than a total victory for the internet trolls intent on mischief. Why give them the pleasure?

German Girl said...

I thank you so much for your incredibly interesting work. I really appreciate it. I'll keep following. (Sorry for impolitely starting every sentence with "I".)

Unknown said...

Just came across it today. Fascinating. Hope you keep it up. Thank you.

German Guy said...

I read this blog with interest and in the few cases where I can be helpful I try to be.

Poor_German_Collector said...

Great blog and very interesting information, I really appreciate it and hope you go on with it. Thank you for all hard work, Bruce!

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