Thursday, August 12, 2021

Scandals and hand wringing.

This will, I suppose, seem off topic, but it is not. I need newspaper and other accounts of supposed or real scandals involving people associated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance or with A. B. Simpson's New York Tabernacle between 1885 and 1910. I need bad results from Alliance "Faith Cure" practice. I need sex scandals (there are a few real ones to be sure). I need reports of supposed financial misdeeds. Excluded from this is the Emilio Olsson affair. I believe I have all I need from that. 

If you can find these through any of the newspaper search systems, please forward them. They need not be 'true' or accurate. It is the fact of the report that matters. 

I'm tracing the effect of untoward reports on the Conleys, especially Sarah Conley after her husband's death. This isn't an occasion to 'beat on' the C&MA people. It is, instead, a research quest. And not as easy as it may seem.


In September 1889 Sarah founded “Beulah Home,” a large structure at 136 Sheridan Avenue in Bellevue, Pennsylvania. I need details. When did it close down? What happened to its assets? Why did it close. All I have now is this paragraph:

"In September 1889 Sarah founded “Beulah Home,” a large structure at 136 Sheridan Avenue in Bellevue, Pennsylvania. She called Oliver S. Schultz and his wife Caroline [Sometimes spelled Carolina] to manage it. O. S. Schultz [born c. 1851] was an associate of A. B. Simpson, serving as treasurer of Simpson’s Berachah Orphanage in New York City.  It was a home for women, providing respite and refuge for what was then called ‘the worthy poor.’ The 1910 Federal Census lists the Schultz’s, a servant, and fifteen female residents aged between six months and seventy-four years. Sarah’s intention was that the home continue after her death, and she made some provision for that in her will." 

I'm confident that the above is correct, with the exception of "the worthy poor" sentence. What can you add?


TBT said...

Don't know if this helps but the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that on January 19, 1914 a prayer meeting would be held at the home of O.S. Shultz at 136 Sheridan Avenue, Bellevue, PA. It was listed under information on a wild sermon and events surrounding a Reverend Billy Sunday event up in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

The April 27, 1914 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette mentions a neighborhood Bible Class to be held at 136 Sheridan Avenue, Bellevue but at the home of Miss J.M. Patton.

The February 13, 1926 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette mentions the death of a Mr. Walter John Grapp, the husband of Sarah Grapp, at 136 Sheridan Avenue. I've reached out to some of the historical societies in Allegheny County trying to find information for you.

B. W. Schulz said...

Excellent. Thanks

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