Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Missing Bible Students of Mount Dora (part 2)


by Chris G

Photographs and recollections of the Estate Sale.

If you haven’t already done so, please read the original article as published here on August 11, 2021, before reading this.


     As a follow up from my previous some had inquired whether I might share a few more photos of some of the items found at the Estate Sale mentioned.

The Russell Portrait

     This is evidently a large print (approx 24 x 36) of an original painting.  The print is of very high quality and the detail is stunning.  It was sitting in the garage with tools and common yard equipment along with a few other framed family pictures from the 1800s and early 1900s.  None of the characters looked at all familiar to me so I passed on them, I wish now I had at least photographed them so I could have researched them later.  At the time however I was overwhelmed with what I was finding.

The Russell Portrait, 8/10 original pencil sketch.

     I ran across this gem as it was laid next to the painting above.  On buying it I assumed it was a simple copy like the one below but days later I studied the detail of the image only to confirm it was the original pencil sketch that was evidently used by Bible Students when reprinting the Watchtower bound volumes.  Does anyone know who this artist is, “J.E. Sweet”?


     I suspect this portrait of CTR would have gone unpurchased and disposed of if I hadn’t attained it.

     Above from the same sale is a six volume set of Studies in the Scriptures, black “leather” c. 1937.  PSL Johnson had these printed as mentioned in the original article.  I’ve never heard or seen any other black sets in over 20 years of searching for different editions.  If any readers of the blog have any information I would appreciate their input.  The material is not the normal feel of the more common red sets, and feels like leather or faux leather. 


Chris G. said...

On studying the 2 pencil portraits of CTR I can see they are 2 different sketches done by the same artist apparently. When comparing the details of the hair, eyes etc… I’m hoping someone here can tell us anything about the artist.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures. What a treasure trove you found.

jerome said...

I checked my usual sources, and the artist was not known. However, there is a similar line drawing out there credited to "A Wiser." We don't know who this person was either. It looks like a photograph of CTR was used by more than one artist to produce a drawing.

Poor_German_Collector said...

I have exactly the same colourful oil print of this drawing in my collection. At the bottom there is an appr. 5cm white bottom line that says "Pastor C.T. Russell, + 31.10.1916". I had a double where someone cut away the white bottom line to frame the printing same way like the one shown in the article. Also, there is a small reference that this oil printing was printed in Berne (Switzerland).

Chris G. said...

Thank you for the information on the painting print. If I ever take it out of the frame, I will check the information noted here that iit was evidently printed in Switzerland. If anyone knows or has information on how or when this print was distributed please share.

Unknown said...

Chris, thanks again. JB

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