Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Pyramid

Please see addenda from August 24 and September 1, 2021 (below)

Visitors to Pittsburgh with an interest in Watch Tower history have often visited the United Cemeteries in Ross Township where CTR is buried. A famous landmark is in the center of the site, a 7 feet high pyramid which was designed as a memorial for all those buried on site. The idea was to have all the names engraved on the sides. In the event only nine names were ever recorded before the plan was dropped.

Below is a photograph of the pyramid taken by the author in 2014.


This is the north face of the pyramid showing the inscriptions for Arabella Mann and Mary Jane Whitehouse.

Sadly in recent times this has been badly vandalized. Below are some current photographs.

Some months ago, the cross and crown motifs on each of the four sides were hacked out. The structure was built as four triangular pieces leaning towards each other, with a capstone holding it all together. But now the capstone has gone, and the sides appear to have been partly prized open.

It was put together in 1920 and unfortunately publicity was given to a treasure trove of memorabilia buried inside it. This was all stolen back in 1994, so there is no value to anyone getting inside it again.

The pyramid has now lasted a little over one hundred years. But now weakened, with its extremely heavy granite sides it may present a danger to the public. If not restored, it may be necessary to take the whole structure down.

Addenda from August 24

When this article first appeared, I received reports back-channel that the pyramid may have been taken down. I can confirm that the two photographs below were taken on August 23.

Ultimately, any issues of public safety may decide what happens to the monument.

Addenda from September 1

The pyramid was carefully taken down today. No doubt pictures will circulate in due course.


Chris G. said...
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theocraticcollector said...

Do you have any information on 1994? How did they get inside? Was there a newspaper article, etc? Thank you.

jerome said...

Regarding the date 1994, see this link:

You will need to read all the comment trail to get the fuller picture.

theocraticcollector said...

I appreciate that. Thank you

Poor_German_Collector said...

Won´t be surprised if that was done by Witnesses who tried to "correct" history...relatives of those who destruct vintage literature from the KH if it contains same symbols. But we´ll never know.

jerome said...
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B. W. Schulz said...

It is not fruitful, or kind, to speculate as to who attacked the pyramid.

TBT said...

I called the cemetery this morning (August 30, 2021) and they informed me that the Watchtower Society is having the pyramid removed. I'm sure they want that part of history forgotten.

B. W. Schulz said...

TBT, thanks for that information. I can confirm it from other sources. As a reminder, we do not allow speculative editorial comments. This is a history site, not a controversialist site.

jerome said...

I can understand why, after this unwelcome attention, the pyramid's days seem numbered. And while there may no longer be family members around after all this time, it should be noted that the monument is a memorial to nine people, only two of whom have surviving individual markers on site.

TBT said...

As of last evening (August 30, 2021) the pyramid was still standing. I will be going over later this morning to check on it. My apologies on my speculative comment. I did message a Bible Student group that although saddened by the damage to the monument understand why it may need to come down if it presents a danger to the public. They are looking into what steps might be taken to save the pyramid but it is a long shot.

jerome said...

No doubt photos will follow but the pyramid was taken down today.

Veronica said...

I am not sure if this is appropriate to mention this here, but in reading poor German collector's comment, I can attest that some Witnesses feel embarrassed about Russell’s study of the pyramids. When visiting the Allegheny congregation, in conversation with one of the elders there, I mentioned Russell's studies, and he replied: “we don’t talk about that”. It is a pity that Russell’s pyramidology is viewed by today’s Witnesses (those who know about it) in the context of embarrassment and failure, rather than in the context of history and the processes of a man who was searching for Truth....

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