Sunday, September 5, 2021

Some Reminders


We have strayed from this blog’s purpose. It is my fault, but I am with this post remedying the problem.

1. This is not a news site. I do not intend it as a forum for current news about Jehovah’s Witnesses or related groups. While I have allowed the posts on the Pyramid monument, doing so has led us away from this blog’s focus which is solely to present well-researched history of the Russell era. I will not allow news features in the future.

2. This is a history site, not a controversialist site. Accordingly, I do not accept links to videos that are polemic in nature. Don’t post any links to a youtube video. If you believe a video adds value to my blog, enquire.

3. Keep your feelings for or against the Watchtower to yourself. They have no place here. If you must express them, post them on a more appropriate site. This blog draws interest from academics, from Witnesses, from former Witnesses and from the merely curious. It is not, however, a place for you to express your pro- or anti-Witness beliefs. We’ve had too much of that lately. I’m not taking down articles or comments that cross that line, but I will not allow them in the future.



Faith Angelic said...

Dear B. W. Schulz,
So I am puting together a video regarding Russell's pyramid Monument being disassembled and taken away. In doing this I always do my due diligence when making my video's. May I use the information that I have read here on this blog regarding Russell's pyramid Monument, ( with giving the proper links from this blog, ) or Am I to understand that you would prefer me NOT to take information from this blog?
I'm asking out of respect.
Thank you.

Faith Angelic

B. W. Schulz said...

You may use what you find here with proper attribution. Thanks for asking.

Faith Angelic said...

Dear B. W. Schulz,
Thank you very much for your kind permission.

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