Saturday, October 2, 2021


 I had my last surgery yesterday. No word yet on the biopsy. Ugly looking thing. The doctor showed it to me before sending it to the lab. There are at least three more surgeries to go, but six or more months in the future. 

Now? My pain is reduced some. This is a good result. I'm unsteady on my feet. This is not new, but it is worse. The pain meds leave me 'loopy.' So I have trouble concentrating. That means I will have little to add to this blog for some time. 

I accept submissions. They must be on topic, though I will accept articles that focus on the Rutherford era. My preference is something focusing on the Russell era. Your submission must be footnoted to original sources. Speculation is not welcome. This is, as I've said before, a history blog, not a fantasy fiction blog. Grammar conventions matter, but if English isn't your first language we will work with you. Exact topic up to you. There is no payment, and no guarantee of publication.



German Girl said...

All the best and get well soon!

Chris G. said...

Same here, hope your well soon!

agape said...

what can i say hope it go right for you

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