Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Talk outline needed.


I need a scan of the original talk outline for this Circuit Assembly main lecture from 1950. Anyone?


latecomer said...

Just a little background about the address on the handbill:

The 801 Auditorium was the meeting place of the International Union of Electrical Workers (IUE) Local 801, organized in 1938 to represent the workers at the Frigidaire Division of General Motors in Dayton, Ohio.

Dayton likely had only one congregation at the time, and wouldn't have its own Kingdom Hall until the late 1950s.

Andrew Martin

B. W. Schulz said...

Thanks Andrew,

Memories ... We met in a converted air force barracks. It was sold by the US government to us in 1948 and rebuilt into a serviceable Kingdom Hall. It's now a tavern on tenth street, not at all recognizable for what it once was. When the congregation split in 1959 we met in a government Quonset hut for two years before we built our own hall. That hall is now a Korean Church. It's fourth permutation. If one looks closely it still looks like a former hall. It has a watchtower built into the exterior brickwork. Ah, such changes.

latecomer said...

Reminds me of the former Kingdom Hall of the Detroit Lakes, Minnesota congregation, on Highway 34, headed NE out of town. A new one was built in town many years ago, and the former one is now a private dwelling. But last time I drove by, years ago, the mark left by the Watchtower silhouette on the brick front of the building was still clearly visible.

Andrew M.

theocraticcollector said...

I realize it may be a private residences, but is there a way to look on google images for the former Kingdom Halls in Detroit Lakes (latecomer) or the Korean Church (B.W. Schulz) ?

B. W. Schulz said...

The old Richland WA Hall shows up on Google maps street view. Search for 807 Benham Street. In close up you can see the watchtower in the brick work. The original building is from 1959. The extension on the left side is from about 1977.

The original Hall for this area is now a VFW hall. Kennewick WA 19th E. 10th Avenue. Also on street view.

The Richland KH is at 1324 Woodbury Street. It was built mid 1980s and recently updated. It serves three congregations. Another Hall is the extreme south of town serves another two congregations.

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