Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Update on the update of the ...

To answer several emails: My health is still precarious. I have an ultrasound of my kidneys and related areas on the 9th. I'm on some rather strong pain pills. I'm accomplishing very little meaningful work. If you wish to help I can use any newspaper or other reference to A. P. Adams. You may post them in comments or email them directly. There will be another surgery sometime next spring or summer.

In other news, I received an email notifying me of my election as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. This is useful in small ways. 

Best part of the last two weeks came from my youngest daughter: "I love you dad." Always nice to be reminded of what I already know.

We need a new car. That's in the distant future. And that's the news for today. ...

Oh, and I'm still open to submissions. Usual stuff: Times New Roman, fully justified, tab key for first line. Must be footnoted to original sources. Controversial is okay as long as your work is well supported. Submit via email: bruce . schulz @ aol . com


German Girl said...

All the best for you. Best wissen.

Chris G. said...

Thanks for the update Bruce, much appreciated.

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