Friday, March 18, 2022

Three paragraphs

 These are from a history journal article I'm writing. Posted for your comments. It will come down soon, so comment now.

            Eaton just is. No discussion of the Russell-Eaton debate of 1903 describes him as anything but a pastor of a Pittsburgh church and as “Dr. Eaton.”

Remainder of this post has been deleted.


jerome said...

Interesting material. In paragraph 3 you write: "About a year and a half later..." Later than what? It is obvious from the footnotes that this is after the death of his first wife, but would it be clearer to spell this out: "About a year and a half after the death of/passing of (insert name)"

latecomer said...

I suggest that Helen Bates was actually either from Janesville, Wisconsin - or from Zanesville, Ohio (I had it wrong on a preivous post).

B. W. Schulz said...

Thanks to you both. Jerome, I've taken your excellent advice. And Latecomer, Yes. It should have been Janesville, Wisconsin.

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