Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Update of sorts

My thanks to those who sent well wishes. Along with other issues, I've been fighting an infection. The antibiotic is working, and I feel some better. 

A test revealed that the arteries in my extremities are in good shape. However an MRI shows significant deterioration in my neck and upper spine. Nerves are impinged. I will forego the surgery. At least for now.

They located three more tumors, one of which 'looks suspicious.' I will have that surgery sometimes early summer. 

I'm on two 'strong' medications that leave me dizzy and a bit disoriented. They affect my memory too. So I'm slow moving and mostly confined to my house. My neurological problems have increased. Pills for that too. 

While 'down and out' I've written a young adult/new adult novel. It required little thought. Will it be published? Probably not, but it was a mentally relaxing project. I'm calling it "Falcon's Crown: Kidnapped." 

I'm writing a journal article about Ephraim Llewellyn Eaton and the Eaton-Russell debate. The magazine for which I'm writing may refuse it because its editor is a partisan of Eaton. If so, I'll find another home for it. If you have any thoughts or information about Eaton, please share them, even if you think it's something I already know.



Chris G. said...

Thanks for the update Bruce, Your endurance through these physical trials is exemplary in many ways. Isaiah 33:24. Wishing you the best,
And where might we find this novel you’ve written?

B. W. Schulz said...

It hasn't been published, Chris. Probably won't be. If I decide to submit it, I'll need a competent "Beta" reader, someone who can pick out issues such as grammar faults, continuity issues.

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