Thursday, April 7, 2022

Emma Martin

Back on February 19, 2019, this blog carried an article on Emma Martin, who was arrested and sentenced to a prison term for circulating The Finished Mystery. The article more or less ended with her publicized release from prison, with the comment: "Emma’s subsequent history is unknown. She lived until 1949 and died aged 79 in Fresno, California."

We now know a little bit more. Here is a letter she wrote to The Watch Tower in 1932.

As often happens, I found this by accident while looking for something quite different.


Andrew said...

Thanks for posting this!

Andrew Grzadzielewski

Leroy said...

There are a few more letters from her, sharing her preaching results and methods.

Bulletin of September 1923, page 3:
“I started out in earnest with the sets. Last week I sold and delivered one set. Saturday I took orders for three sets and delivered them all. It is Wednesday night, and I have sold seven sets this week, and we are out of sets. I did not think that I could sell them so well, but now I am enthusiastic about it. I have sent for ten sets; and now I am going to send for twenty more sets. I think I did not have faith enough, or I should have had more books here now. I am surely glad that you urged us to try out the sets.”—Emma Martin. Cal.

Bulletin October, 1923, page 5:
Actual Demonstration of Books’ Worth
“Some think we have such a good knowledge of the Bible. I tell them that all I know I got out of these volumes and that they can know just as much if they apply themselves; that eighteen years ago I didn’t know beans about the Bible, but that the volumes were more interesting to me than any novel I ever read.”—Emma Martin, Cal.

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