Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Iron Trade

There is an interesting swipe at CTR in Nelson Barbour’s Herald magazine for May 1880, page 72. It was one of many, and one must remember that most readers of the Herald were also receiving Zion’s Watch Tower at this same time. Barbour’s comment is typical of him –

“Perhaps C T Russell could write some well digested matter if he had less money and more time. He is certainly an intelligent and first-class business man, or he could not successfully carry on the iron trade, run three gentlemen’s furnishing stores, lecture on Sunday, and run a theological paper. And under all the circumstances, even if what he writes is not very Scriptural, I think he shows great diversity of talent.”

But it raises a question. “Carry on the iron trade.” What was that?


B. W. Schulz said...

See Separate Identity, volume one, page 49.

jerome said...

In my printed copy the information is on page 51, but thanks.

Luis said...

Does anyone have the link to verify the information in Internet archive? PLEASE

B. W. Schulz said...

See Separate Identity, volume 1, page 48.

jerome said...

As Luis has found, the usual downloadable file from Internet Archive that mentions 1880 does not include the specific issue in question. However, I have sent him back-channel a scan of the page on which the article was based.

Luis said...

thanks for the information

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