Monday, August 8, 2022

San Luis Obispo, California, Tribune -1896

 I need basic biography of O. A. Florey. Can we find his full name. Does he appear in the Watch Tower? Any information will be helpful.


Oscar Allen Florey was born in Illinois July 31, 1869, and died in Butte, California on July 25, 1946. He married January 20, 1900, Alma O Porter. She was a Canadian. The 1910 Census lists him as a minister and her as a missionary. By the 1920 Census Alma is gone and Oscar is living with his aged father, still listed as a religious worker. The 1930 Census lists him as Gospel Worker - Colporteur. In 1930 his is boarding in an apartment house.

In 1908 he was a delegate to the Prohibition Party state convention.

I could use more information. Does he show up on Watchtower magazines post 1916?


jerome said...

O A Florey is mentioned twice in the text file of ZWT. Once is just a passing mention in a letter from California, and the other is a letter from him in Reprints page 2270 (February 15, 1898).

B. W. Schulz said...

Thanks. Can we add some sort of biography?

jerome said...

This duplicates a lot of your update, but there are a few new points.

Oscar Allen Florey was born on July 31, 1869 in Illinois.
All references to census returns etc. come from San Jose, Santa Clara, California.
In the 1908 voter’s registration he is Oscar Allen Florey, minister, party: PRO
In the 1910 directory he is Rev Oscar A Florey
On December 22, 1910, he married Alma Porter, His occupation: minister.
In the 1920 census he is a widower, aged 50, born c. 1870 in Illinois. Occupation: Messenger (own account), Industry: Field.
In the 1930 census, he is aged 60, listed as Allen O Florey, Gospel Mission, Colporteur.
He re-married on December 30, 1930, when 61, to Alice K Johnson, aged 65. There is a brief newspaper announcement, but no other details.
He died on July 25, 1946. His Find a Grave entry gives more family details and a family group photograph.

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