Friday, September 16, 2022

James Larkin Pearson

 I've run across this name. What is his connection to The Watch Tower? Anyone know?


jerome said...

James Larkin Pearson, Poet Laureate of North Carolina in his autobiography "Poet's Progress" noted that "Ol Sol" was a mesmerizing preacher. Pearson went on to say that Solomon questioned what he was preaching after reading the writing of Pastor Charles Taze Russell.

“Ol Sol” was Solomon Darius Barnes (1846-1925), who donated the land for Little Rock Baptist Church and served as its first minister.

Taken from:

ramblinwaymore said...

Pearson penned an article entitled "Rev. Billy Sunday Preaches 'Russellism' -- Baptists Approve," which was reprinted in the July 1, 1925 Enterprise. He also wrote an article for the Nov 2, 1927 Golden Age about Charles Lindbergh.

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