Monday, May 15, 2023

The People's Pulpit Association


When the headquarters moved to Brooklyn in 1909 it was deemed advisable to create a new corporation to deal with publishing and property matters, The People’s Pulpit Association. With grateful thanks to Bernhard, here is the letter CTR sent out inviting certain trusted Bible Students to become members. The letter also details the original officers of the association. You may need to click on the image to see it in full.


B. W. Schulz said...

Excellent find. Much appreciated.

B. W. Schulz said...

I have slightly edited this comment to make it conform to my preferred format. The content is as sent:

A fantastic find. However, the evidence is that there was no real need to have The People´s Pulpit Association incorporated. Rutherford´s claim that New York law required a New York corporation was wrong. His advice in this regard was not professional. -Rud Persson

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