Saturday, May 20, 2023

Typical Nonsense

My thanks to David who secured this pamphlet for me. 

This is an Australian clergyman's attempt to counter Witnesses. As I've observed in both volumes of Separate Identity, almost no clergy-effort at refutation was Bible based. Most relied on some shade of ad hominem. This one is similar to many others, but they are historical documents, useful to a researcher as long as one is not swayed by idiocy. 

The images below are of the front cover and a paragraph from the preface. Note the use of ad hominem. If you are intent on refuting an argument but are compelled to resort to terms that denigrate your opponent, you have no worthwhile reply. 

"remarkable effusions;" "intelligent person;" "led astray;" "audacity;" "false teachers;"
"arrogant teachers"

The interesting point here is that Australian churches, like their American and European counterparts, lost members to Witness theology because they "thirsted for more truth" and did not find it within their previous denominations. This admission by A. Waldock, the author of the preface, should have brought him more shame than indignation. 


Austin said...

If nothing else, it is interesting to see religious leaders' reaction to their membership shrinking.

latecomer said...

Once again, "the unpaid debts of the churches".

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